Let's connect
Meghna Bhardwaj
Editor & Coordinator
As a dancer, I am always intrigued to see what words can do to the moving body. How words can empower, disrupt, project, glorify, signify, suffocate, comfort, and even produce and reproduce a moving/dancing body. Words preserve the moving body both in time and beyond time. Words grasp her ephemerality. Words tell us of her labour, her sweat, her desires, and her constraints. As Spinoza brings us to wonder, “No one has yet determined what the body can do”. Even this mystery of the body, only words can spell out
Melanie Suchie
Does the Dance need language? Do we need language when we see dance? Or when we learn to dance? Teach dance? Remember dance? Instead of asking for the necessity we could also ask for the “how” or the freedom to enjoy it: the connection of dancing with language. It’s about communication, about art, about art as communication and vice versa.
Issue 1
"I don't need dancers anymore!"- Digital artist Chris Zeigler in conversation with Priyanka Borar.
Issue 2
"We had to close our eyes and imagine the first time we ever danced"- Sindhuja S on Somatic Movement Workshop with Sandy Cuthbert.
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Walk Don’t Run
Issue 3
"She helps herself see her aging body as just another phase of her dancing body"- Aseng Borang on dancer and choreographer Beatrice Cordua.
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Editor’s Note
As a dancer, I am always intrigued to see what words can do to the moving body. How words can empower, disrupt, project, glorify, signify, suffocate, comfort, and even produce and reproduce a moving/dancing body. Words preserve the moving body both in time and beyond time. Words grasp her ephemerality. Words tell us of her labour, her sweat, her desires, and her constraints. As Spinoza brings us to wonder, “No one has yet determined what the body can do”. Even this mystery of the body, only words can spell out

Meghna Bhardwaj
New Delhi, India

Melanie Suchy
Berlin, Germany
From the mentor’s desk
Does the Dance need language? Do we need language when we see dance? Or when we learn to dance? Teach dance? Remember dance? Instead of asking for the necessity we could also ask for the “how” or the freedom to enjoy it: the connection of dancing with language. It’s about communication, about art, about art as communication and vice versa.